Why Families Find Our Soccer Club The Right Fit...
NAZ UNITED FC offers multiple Soccer Programs for Boys and Girls which include the following pathways:
- Year-Round Travel Club Players (NAZ United F.C.)
- Developmental Travel Player Program (with NAZ United F.C.)
- Semi-Competitive Soccer League (NAZ Juniors)
- Affiliated Recreational Pre-Travel Programs (NAZ Recreation)
NAZ UNITED FC Year-Round Travel Club Soccer (indoor, outdoor, league games & tournaments) for experienced soccer players who will be carded and on-roster for league games and tournaments for their travel team.
NAZ UNITED FC Developmental Travel Player Program (indoor, outdoor & scrimmages) players will practice and scrimmage with their targeted Travel Team during one or two sessions (winter/spring, summer camp/fall, or fall/winter), play in non-league scrimmages / recreational games until their skills, experience and confidence allow them to make a successful transition to their Travel Team.
Other Recreational Affiliated Pre-Travel Programs.
NAZ United FC has affiliations with NAZ Recreational Programs (ages 3-6 ) and NAZ Juniors semi-competitive (ages7-10) which allow young and new-to-soccer players the opportunity to start with Nazarene Recreation (ages 3-6), continue with NAZ Juniors semi-competitive league (ages 7-10) allowing them a great foundation in soccer with which to transition to a NAZ UNITED FC Travel Program (Travel Program opportunities can start at ages 6/7 and up) when players and their families are ready for the commitment to transition to our Travel Soccer Club Program.
Contact us by email or phone (708) 301-8801 to discuss what programs may fit your family.
Lemont, IL 60439